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FOF Bus Tour Stops for Pep Talk

October 25, 2019                                  

Hernando Classroom Teachers’ Association: Fund Our Future Statewide Tour Coming to Brooksville

BROOKSVILLE — The Florida Education Association (FEA) is engaged in a month-long bus tour to raise awareness of the need for the Legislature to invest in public education. Along the way, FEA officers will be participating in events where they will listen to the voices of students, parents, professional educators and community members.

“It is no secret that educators in Florida are underpaid and underappreciated,” said Fedrick Ingram, president of the Florida Education Association. “We’re on a mission to change that.”

Friday, November 1, FEA officers will join the Hernando Classroom Teachers’ Association (HCTA) as they host a Hernando PEP Talk. Local public education leaders and advocates have been invited to be a part of a small group discussion around county and state public education policy. The forum will be held at Hernando High School.

Vince LaBorante, a thirty-year educator and president of HCTA, welcomes the opportunity to connect local and state advocacy. “Our teachers, community partners and local elected leaders know that student success needs to be at the center of every policy discussion. We also know that the time to invest in our future is now, and the most valuable investment in our community is our school system.”

After a decade of neglect, where base student funding has fallen by more than $650 per student since the 2007-08 school year, it is time for a Decade of Progress to ensure all students are given the opportunity to succeed.

Over the next decade, the FEA is calling for a $22 billion investment in public schools, including a $2.4 billon down payment for the 2020-21 school year.




The Hernando Classroom Teachers’ Association represents all instructional staff in Hernando County Schools and is an affiliated of the Florida Education Association, American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association and the AFL-CIO.


(i.e. The Florida Education Association is the state’s largest association of professional employees, with more than145,000 members. FEA represents pre K-12 teachers, higher education faculty, educational staff professionals, students at our colleges and universities preparing to become teachers and retired education employees.)

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